There is no doubt that I have become much stronger. That is a huge benefit! I will keep doing fit20 as long as I can.
There is no doubt that I have become much stronger. That is a huge benefit! I will keep doing fit20 as long as I can.
Michael | Doctor

20 minutes is all you need to get amazing results and change your life!
Yvonne Rego | fit20 Fan
Yvonne Rego | fit20 Fan

My posture, back pain and energy level have improved significantly.
My posture, back pain and energy level have improved significantly.
Heidi | Beauty therapist
Once a week
Maximum results, minimal time
The best training ever
The High-Intensity exercise routine
Just 20 minutes
A complete exercise routine
Sweat-free workout in cool studio
No need to change
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For all ages
Everyone gets stronger and fitter
Huge fan base
Remarkable fitness improvements
Scientifically proven
fit20 causes significant strength gains
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